Vendors need to get more creative when approaching operators

Telecommunications operators are under pressure and vendors while approaching operators, need to recognize these challenges to position themselves and help them achieve their objectives. Network service providers can choose to either […]

People buy on emotion

Help your customers understand their problem, show them how you can help them solve ‘buy on emotion’, make sure they understand that you and you alone can help them; at […]

My top 3 recommendations to do business in Africa and the Middle East

– Understanding business culture This is the most important prerequisite to doing business in the region.  Knowing the business and overall culture will help entrepreneurs: Avoid embarrassment for either themselves […]

Advantages and disadvantages of having a sales agent to address international markets

Advantages • Local presence and expertise • Control your sales strategy • A cheaper option than having a distributor Disadvantages • No control on the direct relationship with your client • […]

Trois Caractéristiques qui permettent aux petites entreprises d’adresser des marchés internationaux

Beaucoup de petites entreprises ont du mal à s’adresser aux marchés internationaux et les principales raisons sont généralement les ressources humaines et matérielles limitées, le manque de savoir-faire et l’absence […]

Which came first?

Like the egg and chicken question, many professionals and executives ask the same question, especially when budgets are tight: which comes first, resources to find out what new international markets […]

Adapt, Innovate and Have a Great 2020

While Emerging markets can be an excellent arena for trying out product innovations far from competitors’ prying eyes, they represent a much greater opportunity in viewing these markets not as […]